A Running Start
A starting point. Or maybe your restarting point.
Registration for A RUNNING START SPRING 2025 is full!
If you would like to receive information about the Fall 2025 Session, please enter your information below.
A Running Start - 2025 Spring Session
The first session of the 11 week program will be on March 27th. Training sessions are held on Thursdays at 6pm at Saint City Running.
The 2025 Spring Session finale will be racing the Downtown Runaround 5K for Mile in My Shoes on Saturday, June 7th.
A Running Start is focuses on the true beginner. The goal of this class is to create more runners. We want you to be starting at the start.
Are you someone who has been curious about running but needs structure and support to see it through? Identify as “not a runner”, or coming back to the sport after some time away? This will be that first step. Can you walk for 30 minutes? If yes, we can get you to finish your first 5K. Our 3-5 day a week training plan includes walking and running, thoughtfully working you up to the 5k distance! We meet once a week to share a workout as a group, and dive deeper into different educational topics with our coaches. We also give you a comprehensive training plan that provides an additional 4-5 days of walking and running workouts per week. We understand that everyone's schedule is different, and this program will prepare you for the 5k, regardless of how many days of exercise per week fit into your life.
No matter your cultural, racial, or financial background, we want to empower you to not only run a 5k but also to take agency over your own running journey and physical health. We do that by maintaining a small group so we can share experiences, build confidence, and maintain one-on-one interaction with our coaches and support staff. Don’t just take it from us, though — here are some reflections from runners that joined our very first Running Start Program.
“After the run club, I look at exercising differently now. I don’t want to go to the gym anymore, I want to run outside!” - Jessica
“I think I’ll probably be a lifelong runner now! Really life changing!” - Betsy
“The coaches were amazing! Having them be able to structure training and explain it was so helpful.” - Sara
“I’ve just enjoyed this class and this group of people, getting back to a training schedule. It’s just so much fun.” - Tim
What’s included: A $25 gift card towards a professional fitting and pair of shoes at Saint City Running, a custom ASICS running shirt, Feetures socks, and a complimentary race entry to the Downtown Runaround 5K.
Signup with a friend and each of you receives $10 off your entry use coupon code: "ARSFriend" at checkout, and include your friend's name in the notes box.